Austin Air Purifiers

The Air Cleaner Store
Better Quality of Life
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How Houses Breathe

How Houses Breathe

Indoor Air Quality The  walls, doors, and windows inside your home provide essential comfort, sheltering you from the elements – wind, cold, rain, snow and heat. 

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Volcanic air pollution on the Big Island
Air Quality

Mauna Loa VOG reaches Kauai

Wind On December 6, 2022, VOG (volcanic smog)  spread through the islands of Hawaii following the Mauna Loa eruption. This silent danger greatly affects the

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Air Purifiers Help Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Air Purifiers Help Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Air Purifiers Help Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Syndrome is a health problem where exposure to environmental chemicals leads to progressive health declines.  

We do not fully understand MCS. Each person with MCS has different triggers. Each person has a different threshold of exposure for becoming sick. Diagnosis is often complicated.

An Air Purifier for MCS
There is a way to remove airborne chemicals from the air. The HealthMate Plus® is an air cleaner that specializes in the reduction of toxic airborne chemicals, gasses, VOCs, and sub-micron particles. Learn more about The Austin Air HealthMate Plus HM450.

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